Dr. Klaus-Jörg Dehne

Dr. Klaus-Jörg Dehne

Head of Quality Legal & Tax

Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)

Professional experience

  • In-house lawyer at PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Essen
  • In-house lawyer and Global Head of Tax Controversy at Bayer AG, Leverkusen’s corporate tax law department
  • Attorney-at-Law at Scholz, Kraatz, Dittmann & Partner, RA, WP und StB in Düsseldorf (now Buse Heberer Fromm)

Professional education

  • Doctorate at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn on the subject of reorganization tax law
  • Study of law in Bonn
  • Training as a specialist assistant for tax and business advisory professions in Braunschweig

Selected publications

  • New World Tax Order for a Digitalized Economy; BDI. Business at OECD, conference on 16.01.2020 in Berlin, Panelist for Session 2: Global Anti Base Erosion Proposal
  • Bernd-Peter Bier, Head of Finance, Accounting and Taxes, Bayer AG and Dr. Klaus-Jörg Dehne, Global Head of Tax Controversy, Bayer AG: Interest deduction limitations - BEPS AP 4/Art. 4 ATAD, A double taxation problem or more (Zinsabzugsbeschränkungen – BEPS AP 4/Art. 4 ATAD, Ein Doppelbesteuerungsproblem oder mehr), IStR 2019, 610 - 616; simultaneously presentation at the IFA Annual Conference 2019 in London
  • CFC regulations – status quo and need for reform (Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung – Bestandsaufnahme und Reformbedarf), In: Lüdicke, Internationales Steuerrecht am Scheideweg, 2018, page 139 – 170; simultaneously presentation at 34th Hamburg Conference on International Taxation
  • Formal and Material Requirements for the Return of Contributions from the Tax Contribution Account of an EU Subsidiary (Formelle und materielle Anforderungen an die Einlagenrückgewähr aus dem steuerlichen Einlagekonto einer EU-Tochtergesellschaft), JbFStR 2014/2015, pages 890 - 911; simultaneously lecture at the conference of tax law specialists in Wiesbaden

Further information

  • Board member of the Rhine/Ruhr Discussion Group

Do you have any questions? Please contact me without obligation.

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