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With the increasing complexity and internationality of the real estate market, how can you always make the right decisions? With a partner who can offer all the necessary services from a single source. The real estate experts in our Real Estate sector team combine financial, performance, tax and legal expertise. They provide our clients with interdisciplinary consulting services covering a property’s entire life cycle.
Depending on the consulting project, we involve other Baker Tilly specialists in the project: auditors, tax advisors, lawyers and business consultants. We know that the combined information of many experts makes up the right overall solution that leads to an optimal result for our clients. Through our global Baker Tilly International network, we also ensure support on an international basis.
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Our real estate experts from the Competence Center Real Estate support active market participants such as institutional and private investors, commercial and mortgage banks as well as project developers, asset managers and fund initiators. We also advise listed corporations and medium-sized companies from all industries as well as the public sector.
Do you want to restructure real estate portfolios or carry out real estate transactions? Do you want to build, buy, sell, value, use or let real estate? We look forward to hearing your requirements and to talking to you.
Like the economy as a whole, the real estate sector has undergone major changes in recent years. New business strategies, the transformation of the capital market and the associated change in accounting regulations, innovative financing instruments and tight public budgets are having a lasting impact on the real estate sector. This is why a partner with broad financial expertise is becoming increasingly important for players in the real estate market.
Under the term Financial Real Estate, we combine highly complex consulting and auditing services for the real estate sector, in particular in the areas of audits of annual and consolidated financial statements, corporate transactions and international accounting. Our teams of experts, who have a high level of expertise in the sector, enable us to offer our clients comprehensive support in all financial issues in the real estate market.
Christian P. Roos Partner German CPA
Andreas Weissinger Partner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Real estate tax advice at all levels: As part of our ongoing support, we assist you in all tax filing tasks and, as part of project-related tasks, with the tax structuring of international real estate projects to the development of strategies, for example, in order to avoid real estate transfer tax. Tax due diligence naturally also includes transactions. Furthermore, we also optimize your financing structures in the long term.
Our real estate experts always pursue the same goal: to provide our clients with consistently high-quality advice. So that you are always at the cutting edge.
Lars Lesser Partner Certified Tax Advisor
Peter Rohrwild Partner Certified Tax Advisor
In portfolio or individual transactions, our interdisciplinary teams support both the buyer and the seller with their combined knowledge. From a large number of corporate and real estate transactions, we know the processes involved in transactions and the parties’ needs down to the smallest detail. A specialized transaction team will support you with a wide range of advisory services and guarantees a successful conclusion. We take into account all relevant framework data – financial, performance, tax and legal. Where appropriate, we expand our expertise to also include technical knowledge.
Dr. Hendrik Theismann Partner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)
The range of consulting services in this area covers all phases of a property’s life cycle. From financing, land acquisition, project development, planning and construction to management, letting and sale. We support all parties involved: national and international companies, brokers, investors, banks, insurance companies and the public sector.
Our experts advise on the implementation of complex fund structures as well as on the drafting of purchase agreements or the preparation of an IPO. If the situation requires it, we call in other specialized lawyers from other areas of law, for example, capital markets and corporate law, as well as auditors, tax advisors or business consultants in order to develop a holistic solution.
Michael Mehler Partner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)
Stephan Zuber Partner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Specialist Lawyer for Commercial and Corporate Law
Commercial real estate trading, real estate transfer tax and VAT consequences are some of the tax-related pitfalls real estate investors need to be aware of.
Real estate continues to be the most popular class of investments – both as a direct investment and as a real estate fund. In addition to domestic real estate, real estate abroad also offers attractive returns. Providers of open and closed-ended real estate funds as well as private and institutional investors need advisors with experience and foresight to ensure their real estate investments’ economic success.
We offer tailor-made concepts for every form of real estate investment. Benefit from our broad range of one-stop advisory services for your investment.
Britta Martens Partner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Andreas Griesbach
Partner, Head of Real Estate
Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Certified Tax Advisor
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Hannelore BaumannSenior Manager Certified Tax Advisor, Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwältin)
Viviane DärrSenior Manager Certified Tax Advisor
Patrick FrankeDirector German CPA
Uwe FritzDirector Certified Valuation Analyst
Bernhard GemmelPartner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Maître en droit
Andreas GriesbachPartner, Head of Real Estate Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Certified Tax Advisor
Stefan Hanke, LL.M.Partner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
Julian Hanne, B.A.Senior Manager Certified Tax Advisor
Kai HeleschPartner Certified Tax Advisor
Lars LesserPartner Certified Tax Advisor
Britta MartensPartner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Michael MehlerPartner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)
Dr. Steffen Meining, LL.M. (UCT)Partner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Certified Tax Advisor, Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law
Simon ParvizPartner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt) and Notary Public, Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
Franziska PinaDirector Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwältin), Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law
Michael RaabePartner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Dr. Christian ReibisPartner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Peter RohrwildPartner Certified Tax Advisor
Christian P. RoosPartner German CPA
Uwe RothPartner Certified Tax Advisor
Mareike SchlöterSenior Manager Certified Tax Advisor
Dr. Dominic SommerhoffPartner German CPA, Certified Tax Advisor
Dr. Hendrik TheismannPartner Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)
Ceren UzunDirector Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwältin)