Advising German enterprises on activities in Scandinavia – and vice versa

The Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are modern industrialized economies with highly developed infrastructure and innovative companies.
With long-standing expertise, we advise German companies on their business activities in Scandinavia and vice versa. We have a particular focus on cross-border M&A transactions and other economically significant projects. We not only understand the challenges of business law in the Nordic region; we are also familiar with the local cultural customs and can therefore assist you with your project in a success-oriented manner.

In Germany, our lawyers, tax advisors, auditors and business consultants offer our Nordic clients the entire range of consulting services necessary for the establishment and acquisition of businesses from a single source. Our Swedish-speaking partner Dr. Ralf Ek will support you with his more than 25 years’ experience in advising on German-Nordic legal issues.

Foreign trade and international cooperation have great economic significance, especially in relation to Germany, their most important trading partner. Knowing the legal framework for trade and investments is crucial for companies in order to avoid various "pitfalls". The

Our services in the field of Nordic Desk

  •  Assisting clients with market entry and ongoing business operations in the Nordic countries
    • advising on cross-border M&A transactions and joint ventures
  • Advising Nordic companies in entering the German market
    • M&A transactions, joint ventures, real estate acquisitions and the formation of subsidiaries
  • Support in the establishment and further development of distribution systems
  • Advice on labor law
  • Clarification of national and international tax issues
  • Support in restructuring and insolvency law issues
  • Representation in court and arbitration proceedings
Dr. Ralf Ek, LL.M.


Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Specialist Lawyer for Commercial and Corporate Law, Advokat (Sweden)

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