In times of tighter and tighter public funding, falling interest rates, changing legal framework conditions as well as various changes in case law and modified administrative directives, the demands on non-profit organisations and public corporations are becoming ever greater. Due to our detailed specialist and industry knowledge, we are regularly involved as tax advisors in a large number of non-profit, tax and public law projects in this area.

Our clients include local authorities, churches, public law institutions, foundations, non-profit organisations as well as non-profit corporations. Together with our colleagues from the Transaction Tax department, we also assist with reorganisations and transformations. Accordingly, we offer interdisciplinary advice from a single source in order to provide you with a comprehensive package of solutions.

Our services in the area of tax-exempt organisations & public corporations 

  • Ongoing declaration advice
  • Tax compliance
  • Tax measures to secure non-profit status
  • Tax structuring and conversions to minimise tax risks
  • Advice on special tax issues and co-operations
  • Optimisation of real estate transfer tax positions in the context of transactions
  • Restructuring and reorganisations
  • Preparation and review of tax model calculations
  • Ongoing support during tax audits and fiscal court proceedings
Ursula Augsten


Certified Tax Advisor

Richard Markl


Certified Tax Advisor

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