Christian Wegener
Certified Tax Advisor
Baker Tilly
Cecilienallee 6-7
40474 Dusseldorf
About me
- Healthcare
- Medical & Biotech
- Insurance
- Financial Services
- Engineering
- Automotive
Professional experience
- Partner, Managing Director at ARQIS Rechtsanwälte PartGes, Düsseldorf
- Managing Associate at Linklaters LLP, Düsseldorf
- Senior at Ernst & Young, Düsseldorf/Stuttgart
Professional education
- Certified Tax Advisor
- Studies of business administration at University of Mannheim
Selected publications
- "Versicherungsschutz für Bilanzgarantien in W&I-Policen", Christian Wegener and the co-authors Ratz/Harzmeier/Klamar/Mösinger, BB 2024, issue 19 from 06.05.2024, p. 1027 ff.
- "Steuerversicherungen bei M&A Transaktionen - Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis", Christian Wegener and co-author Johannes Jacob, in: M&A Review, issue 9/2023, p. 278 ff.
- "Steuerliche Fallstricke im Transaktionsprozess", Christian Wegener and Dr. Christiane Krüger, in: Corporate Finance Recht 2023 (special edition of the journals Going Public, HV Magazin and Unternehmeredition), p. 56 ff.
- "Die Treuhand-KG im Steuerrecht – Ein Gesamtüberblick", DStR 2022, issue 48 and 49
- "Steuerrechtliche Neuerungen bei Unternehmenstransaktionen", Christian Wegener and Dr. Christiane Krüger, in: Corporate Finance Recht 2022 (special edition of the journals Going Public, HV Magazin and Unternehmeredition), p. 56 ff.
- "Steuerliche Erleichterungen für Transaktionen in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie", Christian Wegener and Dr. Christiane Krüger, in: DStR 2020, p. 1083 ff.
- Comment to decision of 11.07.2019 – I R 13/18 and I R 26/18 "Gewerbesteuerpflicht des Einbringungsgewinns I"
FR 2020, 463-467 - Treatment of downstream mergers between legal entities for accounting and tax purposes, DB 2018
- Commentary to Section 22 of the German Reorganization Tax Act, in: Widmann/Bauschatz, 360° UmwStG eKommentar
- Comment to decision of the German Federal Tax Court (BFH) dated 31 May 2017 (I R 37/15) – Tax exemption of capital gains – no deemed tax expense in terms of Section 8b para. 3 sentence 1 of the German Corporate Income Tax Act without a German permanent establishment, ISR 2018
- Relationship between the entanglement (Verstrickung) and other provisions of the national tax law, UbG 2015
- Spin-off of partnerships according to the newly introduced Reorganization Tax Act, UbG 2008
Further information
- Lecturer for German corporate income tax and trade tax law at University of Applied Sciences Fresenius, Cologne