“SV-Meldeportal” replaces sv.net: What does this mean for you as an employer?

Simone Kriegel Sabine SailerTax

As of October 4, 2023, the SV-Meldeportal (reporting portal for German social security purposes; hereinafter “SI Reporting Portal”) is going to replace sv.net. In the following, you will learn what the replacement means for you as an employer, how to register for the new portal and get further useful advice.

With sv.net and also the SI Reporting Portal, social insurance institutions meet their obligation to provide employers with a form manager for the electronic transmission of reports, contribution statements, certificates and applications. Both are used by employers when, for example, social insurance contributions need to be subsequently reported for calendar years that have already been completed in payroll accounting, or social insurance reports need to be corrected, for example, due to a social insurance audit.

The SI Reporting Portal was created because the legislator imposed requirements on the social insurance carriers for electronic form managers, which could not be implemented in sv.net.

How can I register my company for the SI Reporting Portal?

In order to register and use the SI Reporting Portal, the employee needs an ELSTER organization certificate.

If such certificate has not been obtained yet, it can be applied for at www.mein-unternehmenskonto.de 

Among other things, you will need your company’s tax number. Subsequently, the tax office will send you activation data by e-mail and mail, by means of which you can authorize yourself and generate the ELSTER organization certificate.

Once you have obtained the ELSTER organization certificate, you can register in the SI Reporting Portal:

  1. You authenticate yourself with your ELSTER organization certificate at www.sv-meldeportal.de
  2. You enter your company number and the company data
  3. You will receive a so-called representative authorization letter by mail
  4. You enter the activation code from the representative authorization letter
  5. After activation you are successfully registered for the use of the SI Reporting Portal.

Please note that you need the ELSTER organization certificate every time you log in to the SI Reporting Portal.

Can my tax advisor file reports for my company in the SI Reporting Portal?

Yes, that is possible. There are two options to activate your tax advisor: 

Option 1: 

You as a company can assign a mandate to your tax advisor in the SI Reporting Portal.

  • Under „Verwaltung“ | „Firma“ | „Mandatsverwaltung“ (Administration | Company | Client Management)
  • Select the "Mandat anbieten" function (assign client)
  • And assign the client by entering your tax advisor’s company number.
  • The tax advisor receives a notification, and the client can be activated in the client management function (Mandatsverwaltung).

Option 2:

Your tax advisor can request a client for your company in the SI Reporting Portal

  • Under „Verwaltung“ | „Firma“ | „Mandatsverwaltung“ (Administration | Company | Client Management)
  • Select the “Mandat für Fremdfirma beantragen” function (select client for external company)
  • And request the client by entering the company’s company number
  • If the company is already registered in the SI Reporting Portal, the administrators are notified by email and can confirm the client in the client management function.
  • If the company has not been registered in the SI Reporting Portal, a client authorization letter is sent to the company by regular mail. Your tax advisor must enter the activation code stated in such letter in his client management function.

How long is sv.net still available for use?

sv.net will be fully available until December 31, 2023. Subsequently, it will be available with restricted functions and will be finally closed as of February 29, 2024. 

Is the use of the SI Reporting Portal subject to a fee?

The legislator determined that the costs can be charged to the users to a reasonable extent. The user fees are as follows for

  • Single clients (reporting for one company number) € 36.00 (plus VAT)
  • Multi clients (reporting for several company numbers) € 99.00 (plus VAT)

and are charged in each case for a 36-month term in advance. 

Important: Use of the SI Reporting Portal is free of charge in 2023 and 2024 if registration has been made before March 31, 2024. 

Does the Portal replace professional payroll programs?

No. Just like sv.net, the SI Reporting Portal cannot make any calculations and therefore does not compete with payroll accounting programs.

 Simone Kriegel

Simone Kriegel
Certified Pension Consultant

 Sabine Sailer

Sabine Sailer
Senior Manager

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