Alexander Niehaus

Alexander Niehaus


Certified Tax Advisor

Baker Tilly

Saarlandstraße 23
44139 Dortmund

About me


  • Automotive
  • Central regulation
  • Energy service providers
  • Software developers
  • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Non-profit associations/professional associations
  • Student unions

Professional experience

  • Audit manager at Rölfs RP AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Dortmund
  • Audit assistant/manager at WTG Wirtschaftstreuhand KG Dr. Grüber & Partner in Wuppertal
  • Audit assistant at Ernst & Young in Dusseldorf

Professional education

  • Certified Tax Advisor
  • Studies of business administration at the Bochum University of applied sciences

Further information

  • Audit and preparation of standalone and consolidated financial statements pursuant to German HGB and IFRS
  • Mass data analyses
  • General tax consulting
  • General business management consulting

Do you have any questions? Please contact me without obligation.

Get in touch with Alexander Niehaus now