When it comes to the law regarding fiscal and economic offenses, our specialists can represent your interests decisively and successfully. In doing so, we act both for companies and their executive bodies as well as at the level of private individuals in connection with criminal charges.

We support you not only in court, but also in relation to the tax investigation department and the public prosecutor's office with the aim of avoiding court hearings. In our function, we are also trusted by wealthy private individuals in the context of voluntary self-disclosures. In order to obtain immunity from penalties and fines, we will assist you in the areas of tax law, foreign trade law and social security law.

Our services in the field of Law regarding Fiscal and Economic Offenses

  • Advice to companies and high net worth individuals
  • Preparation and advice in connection with potential voluntary self-disclosures
  • Preventive consulting
  • Criminal law expert opinions
  • Compliance & whistleblower systems
  • Internal investigations


Dr. Franz Bielefeld


Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt)

Dr. Rahel Reichold


Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwältin)

What can we do for you?

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