For us, providing legal consulting services in the construction industry does not only include the mere understanding of legal contexts. Rather, this involves technical components requiring close communication with various stakeholders, such as engineers, architects or various authorities. For many years we have been successfully operating in this field and can also assist you with issues relating to construction law, building regulations and environmental law (construction noise, neighbor law, soil protection). Our legal advice also covers the subsequent management of your real property and assets to be managed.

We also assist you in court, both in a national and international context. In doing so, we act not only as lawyers, but also as mediators, conciliators or arbitrators. This holistic approach enables us to also act as counsel in major proceedings, with its legal complexity requiring precisely such expertise.

You operate in a capital-intensive environment. Thus, you are often confronted with many risks from which numerous conflicts can arise with the involvement of various parties involved. We provide for legal certainty for you in these situations and guide you through this conflict, preferably amicably, if necessary, through litigation, but first and foremost successfully. 

Our services in the field of Private Construction Law

  • Legal advice during construction
  • Litigation and arbitration
  • Planning, control and supervision of the construction project
  • Key area railways
  • Public Private Partnership (PPP)
  • General real estate consulting, inter alia project development, financing, transactions and management
  • Project and crisis communication
Simon Parviz


Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt) and Notary Public, Specialist Lawyer for Construction and Architectural Law

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