The sale of your company, perhaps even your life’s work, which you have created yourself and led to business success, is probably something very special for you: a one-time process in which nothing must go wrong - but unfortunately a lot can go wrong.
But regardless of whether it’s a company succession, share deal or asset deal: when selling a company, you have to leave your familiar entrepreneurial terrain where you know the ropes and where no one can fool you. It therefore makes sense to seek the support of qualified advisors for the sale. You are looking for professional support.
Your goal: A successful company sale.
In addition to the actual prospective buyers, these advisors quickly eat into your already limited time and confront you with a range of technical terms from the world of mergers & acquisitions (M&A) such as due diligence, earn-out or asset deal, as well as plenty of questions and requirements to which you do not (yet) have answers straight away. Ultimately, you only have one crucial question in connection with your transaction:
How can I sell the shares as smoothly and safely as possible?
We cannot completely relieve you of this challenge; however, we can show you twelve typical mistakes entrepreneurs tend to make time and again. Mistakes to avoid when selling a company. Because, based on our many years of experience, we can assure you of one thing: if you avoid these mistakes, you can look forward to your big goal – the successful sale of your company –much more relaxed.
Avoid these mistakes when selling your company
Avoiding these mistakes will lay the foundation for selling your company or shares in it as smoothly and safely as possible: