Sabine Sailer
Senior Manager
Certified Pension Consultant
- Service providers
- Industrial companies
- Trade/consumer goods companies
Professional experience
- Ernst & Young, Munich
- KKH health insurance fund, Munich
Professional education
- German Certified Pension Consultant (licensed by the Munich Local Court)
- Social insurance clerk, specializing in health insurance
Selected publications
- IWW-Fachmagazin – LGP Löhne und Gehälter professionell: "Compulsory Social Insurance - Paid Leave: In these Cases, Employees are Subject to Compulsory Insurance" ("Sozialversicherungspflicht – Bezahlte Freistellung: in diesen Fällen besteht bei Arbeitnehmern Versicherungspflicht"), in LGP 03/2018
- NWB-Fachmagazin BBK - Buchführung, Bilanzierung, Kostenrechnung: "General Exemption from Contributions in the Case of Lump-Sum Taxation of Other Remuneration" ("Generelle Beitragsfreiheit bei Pauschalversteuerung sonstiger Bezüge"), in BBK 19/2014