Dr. Alexander Fridgen appointed as provisional insolvency administrator of Prinzregent Luitpold rehabilitation clinic

Foto: Ein Stethoskop und ein Kugelschreiber liegen auf einem Blatt Papier, das mit einer Tabelle bedruckt ist.

The operation of the clinic continues unchanged. Healthcare and patient care as well as the payment of all wages and salaries to employees are ensured.

Munich, January 27, 2025: By decision dated January 23, 2025, the Traunstein local court ordered provisional insolvency proceedings at the request of Reha-Klinik Prinzregent Luitpold Bad Reichenhall GmbH. In the course of this, the court appointed attorney-at-law and Baker Tilly partner Dr. Alexander Fridgen as provisional insolvency administrator.

The provisional insolvency proceedings will not change anything for patients and employees. The rehabilitation clinic will continue to operate fully and unchanged during the proceedings. The employees’ wages and salaries are secured during the proceedings and thus also the health and medical care of all patients.

Dr. Alexander Fridgen says: “First of all, we are going to assess the situation at the rehabilitation clinic in order to take the necessary steps. We are working intensively together in order to find ways to continue business operations in the long term and to successfully restructure the clinic despite the challenging market environment.”

The rehabilitation clinic Prinzregent Luitpold Bad Reichenhall specializes in interdisciplinary treatment methods, which are supplemented with complementary medicine such as traditional Chinese medicine methods. The clinic also offers a post-Covid program for Long Covid syndrome.

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Dr. Alexander Fridgen


Attorney-at-Law (Rechtsanwalt), Specialist Lawyer for Insolvency and Restructuring Law, Specialist Lawyer for Banking and Capital Markets Law

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